Low Retention Tips > Pipette Tips
상품 정보
상품 상세설명
- - Ergonomic and light tip attachment and ejection secured by tip compatibility with the Optiload feature of Sartorius pipettes
- - Environment friendly materials used in tips, trays and racks are 100% recyclable or can be incinerated as energy waste
- - Less waste by reusing the fully autoclavable (121 ºC, 20 min) tip racks with refill or bulk tips
- - Easy matching with a suitable Sartorius pipette with colour coded tip trays
- - Improved tip identification and traceability by informative rack labels indicating tip volume, product number, lot number and purity level
Read more: http://www.sartorius.com/en/product-family/product-family-detail/m-low-retention-tips/?no_cache=1#ixzz3VOQ4nDJ6