UltraCHO™ Serum-free CHO Cell Media > Serum free and Feeds

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UltraCHO™ Serum-free CHO Cell Media > Serum free and Feeds

UltraCHO™ Serum-free CHO Cell Media 요약정보 및 구매

CHO Expression Media

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

CHO Expression Media

상품 상세설명

UltraCHO™ Serum-free CHO Cell Media are optimized to support the growth of transfected

and non-transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and expression of recombinant proteins.

UltraCHO™ Media are composed of a modified DMEM:F-12 base.

The formulation is supplemented with insulin, transferrin, and proprietary purified proteins.

UltraCHO™ Media are available as a complete 1X liquid or as a powder with a frozen supplement.

UltraCHO™ Media contains less than 300 μg/ml protein.

Read more: http://www.sartorius.com/en/products/bioprocess/media-usp/serum-free-and-feeds/cho-expression-media/?gclid=CM-qi-fw6MQCFUuTfgodYUwAqw#ixzz3WnzCXBO8


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